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What Is Known

❗️🇮🇷 Crash of a helicopter with Iranian President Ibrahim Raisi:
what is known as of 9:00 pm on May 19, 2024

▪️In the evening, the IRNA agency reported that rescuers were able to "establish contact" with two passengers of the helicopter that disappeared from radar. Later, this was confirmed by the country's Vice President Mohsen Mansouri, but he did not specify who exactly they managed to contact and whether Ibrahim Raisi was among them.

▪️Night fell in the area of the alleged crash site, which further complicated the search operation against the backdrop of difficult weather conditions and inaccessible mountainous terrain. However, closer to nightfall, unconfirmed reports began to arrive that the aircraft had been located.

▪️The Supreme Leader of Iran, Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, made a statement in which he expressed the hope that "the Almighty God will return our respected and honored President Raisi and his companions to the embrace of the Iranian people."

▪️The Russian Foreign Ministry reported its readiness to provide assistance in the search for the crashed helicopter, as well as to assist in the investigation of the incident. A similar statement was made in Turkey, and the European Union promised to use satellites to determine the crash site.

At the same time, there is still no official information on the status of President Ibrahim Raisi, as well as Iranian Foreign Minister Amir Abdollahian and other passengers and crew members.

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