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Prime Minister Netanyahu at the beginning of the cabinet meeting:

I greatly appreciate the support of President Biden and the American administration for Israel. Since the beginning of the war, the US has given us support in spirit and material - with means of defense and means of attack.

But about four months ago, there was a dramatic drop in the supply of armaments arriving from the US to Israel. For weeks we asked our American friends to speed up the shipments. We did it time and time again. We did it at the highest levels, and at all levels, and I want to emphasize - we did it in private rooms. We got all kinds of explanations, but one thing we didn't get: the basic situation didn't change. Certain items arrived in trickles, but the great mass of armaments remained behind.*

After months of the lack of change in this situation, I decided to give it a public expression. I did this out of years of experience, and knowing that this step is essential to extracting the traffic jam. I expected that this would involve personal attacks against me from home and abroad, as happened when I opposed the nuclear deal with Iran, as happened and continues to happen when I repeatedly opposed the establishment of a Palestinian terrorist state, and as is happening now when I oppose ending the war while leaving Hamas intact. But I am ready to suffer personal attacks for the sake of Israel's security.

As Prime Minister of Israel, my role is to do everything to ensure that our heroic fighters have the best means of combat.

In light of what I have heard in the past day, I hope and believe that this issue will be resolved in the near future. But I would like to emphasize, and I have also said this to our American friends - We have one measure and it has always tipped the scales: the bravery and determination of our fighters - and with this weapon we We will win."

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No More.
We are AWAKE.


👉 RealSGAnon


🚨🚨Additional reminders at this hour.

  • Israel has raised it's status to a maximum alert.

  • US officials & Israeli officials have considered Nasrallah KIA.

  • Iranian Military leadership in security meeting with the Ayotollah.

  • Hezbollah has issued a gag order to it's officials and refused to issue any statement today.

  • US preparing for a direct attack by Iran on Israeli & US interests.


“Israel is going to war”, Israel’s Channel 12 says, citing a source.

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