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Prepping, Politics and Societal Decline!
We know what’s coming and we are prepared.
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Time Is Short

Alex Jones is being liquidated.

Julian Assange has been released from prison after accepting a guilty plea.

Americans have been debt slaves for over 100 years and lied to by their government corporate masters.

The middle east is about to go up in flames.

The main stream media is purposefully ignoring or lying about stories to the public.

The skies have been sprayed and our air, food and water poisoned.

The US Dollar hegemony is over, inflation escalating.

The fall of the republic of the united States of America is in progress.

Russia has called Washington DC their enemy.
Free speech is over.

The SCOTUS ignores the constitution except in administrative applications.

We do not have a republic, we have public private partnerships.

WE The People were named the government and we failed to do our job.

STAND UP AMERICA - the world is watching...God is waiting...

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My Jaw Dropped & Hit The Floor While Listening To This. California Corruption IS OUT OF CONTROL

California is ordering tiny homes for the homeless however they are paying $834,000 MORE PER tiny home than what you can order THE SAME TINY HOME on Amazon for

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Their Job Is Protest(Soros)

The Muslims in France are taking to the streets, warning that if the right-wing parties win, they will burn down the entire country.

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Their Job Is Protest(Soros)

The Muslims in France are taking to the streets, warning that if the right-wing parties win, they will burn down the entire country.

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🇧🇴 What was the attempted coup in Bolivia about?

After army units began leaving the main square in the capital La Paz just a few hours after the attempted coup began, everyone can't stop asking: "What actually happened?"

While former president Evo Morales called on trade unions to bring people to the streets in support of democracy and the official government, acting president Luis Arce swore in new military leadership under General José Wilson Sánchez, who immediately ordered the military to leave the main square in La Paz.

They did so, without much resistance. The first to leave was the rebel General Suñiga himself. A few hours later, he was arrested. Two other commanders were also taken into custody: former Navy Commander Juan Arnes Salvador and Air Force General Marcelo Javier Segarra. Suñiga is currently charged with terrorism and armed rebellion.

Interestingly, Suñiga calmly awaited arrest, and also had the opportunity to tell journalists that President Arce himself asked him to ...

Here it comes



🚨BREAKING - CNN is now reporting that senior Democrat officials are now considering “going to the White House” to call on Biden to step down, following tonight’s Debate Night.

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