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Prepping, Politics and Societal Decline!
We know what’s coming and we are prepared.
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Why did they always go to violence?

Interesting take from one of the democrat youth "thought leaders" here šŸ¤Ø

#SCOTUS #SupremeCourt #democrats

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Los Angeles

USA. Multiple vehicles burst into flames at a 'Street Takeover' event in downtown #LosAngeles after 400-500 people blocked off the street.

What lovely people..

According to the Citizen app, multiple vehicles "exploded" thanks to nitrous tanks in the cars.

The #incident happened around 3am at the intersection of 18th and Main streets where about 50 cars were present.

The two destroyed vehicles were impounded but no arrests were made according to reports.

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NOT Suicidal

Pfizer whistleblower, @ MelissaMcAtee92, has released a video noting that she is NOT suicidal.

Why would she feel the need to post such a video?

We all know why.



Congressman Massie just revealed that 3 of the top FDA vaccine experts were fired after requesting more time to study side effects of the Covid-19 shots in children and young adults, so that the Biden Admin could to push the shots through faster & mandate them.


Prep List

This is a good comprehensive list for preparedness. Also if you have never heard of the LDS preparedness manual it would be a good idea to perhaps look at that as well. It might just give you some additional ideas. If you just Google LDS preparedness manual you will find it

Becoming self-sufficient requires a broad base of knowledge and abilities. Although we can never become experts in everything, the more basic skills we acquire the higher our standard of living will be in hard times when equipment, goods and services will be scarce or impossible to find. After reviewing the many tips I have written in the past I have compiled 15 categories of essential areas for preparedness. Most of us ā€œpreppersā€ are well prepared in specific areas that interest us or match our abilities while neglecting others. As you read through this list, pay attention to which areas are strong or weak for you, then focus on bringing the weaker areas up to par. Every ...


Craig Bong
Just google ā€œPandemic 2025ā€ and the scenarios you will find on full display. How else will the false prophet force the coming mark of the beast?
ā€œAnd he causes all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads:
And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name.ā€ - Revelation 13:16-17

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$100-$200 Billions for two years of Ukraine war.

2/20/2023 $500 Millions
2/23/2023 $10 Billions
2/24/2023 $2 Billions
3/3/2023 $400 Millions
3/20/2023Ā  $350 MillionsĀ 
4/04/2023Ā  $2.6 Billions
4/19/2023Ā Ā $325 Millions
5/08/2023 $1.2 Billions
5/18/2023Ā  $3 Billions
5/19/2023Ā  $375 Millions
5/19/2023Ā  $40 billion
5/31/2023Ā  $300 Millions
6/09/2023 $2.1 BillionsĀ 
6/13/2023 $325 Millions
6/16/2023 $205 Millions
6/20/2023 $6.2 Billions
6/26/2023 $500 Millions
07/07/2023 $800 Millions
07/18/2023 $1.3 Billions
07/21/2023 $400 Millions
08/13/2023 $13 Billions
08/15/2023 $200 Millions
09/21/2023 $325 Millions
11/03/2023 $425 Millions

03/12/2024 $300 Millions
04/24/2024 $1 Billion
05/07/2024 $6 Billions
05/10/2024 $400 Millions
05/24/2024 $275 Millions
06/07/2024 $225 Millions

Follow: US Debt Clock ā°

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