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Craig Bong
Just google “Pandemic 2025” and the scenarios you will find on full display. How else will the false prophet force the coming mark of the beast?
“And he causes all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads:
And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name.” - Revelation 13:16-17

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⚡️BREAKING: The Mayor of El Cajon, California just revealed that over 250,000 illegals have been dropped into San Diego County in just the last 10 months. They get free healthcare, free sex changes (odd), free college tuitions and a nice 20% down payment on a home loan

"The County of San Diego already spent $6 million on a migrant welcome center... they've just allocated another $19 million for that." - Mayor Bill Wells.

Video @nickshirleyy



💦☠️ CDC Plan To Expand Fluoride To 77% Of American’s Drinking Water

“The CDC considers fluoride in your drinking water so beneficial to your health that they have a 2030 goal of increasing the amount of fluoride that the government puts in your drinking water to cover 77% of the U.S. population.”

Los Angeles

USA. Multiple vehicles burst into flames at a 'Street Takeover' event in downtown #LosAngeles after 400-500 people blocked off the street.

What lovely people..

According to the Citizen app, multiple vehicles "exploded" thanks to nitrous tanks in the cars.

The #incident happened around 3am at the intersection of 18th and Main streets where about 50 cars were present.

The two destroyed vehicles were impounded but no arrests were made according to reports.

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10-year survival outcome after clinically suspected acute myocarditis in adults: A nationwide study in the pre-COVID-19 era

For some people, myocarditis can lead to dilated cardiomyopathy and they may need a heart transplant. Almost 20% of sudden deaths in young people have a connection to myocarditis. The survival rate for myocarditis is 80% one year after having it and 50% five years later.


Current and former employees of the World Economic Forum have expressed 'shared trauma' about their experiences with top officials in the globalist group, including Klaus Schwab.


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🚨Mexican cartels have obtained access to the FGM-148 Javelin with infrared guidance. The exact quantity of missiles involved is unknown, although earlier, Mexican authorities seized two launchers from one of the major cartels in a single operation.


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