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September 11, 2024
Amaze Videos

Ohio Parent is Horrified by the videos being played for 5th graders…

I’ve been talking about the disgusting videos Amaze Videos makes for the public school system for a few years now.

These sexualized Lesson Plans make its way into the public school system by a group called “Advocates for Youth”…

I’m so glad this is getting attention now… keep sharing.

Homeschool if you can.. but inform every parent you come in contact with.

September 07, 2024
How To Stone A Woman

For any enquiring minds who were wondering what is the correct procedure, here the Imam of Birmingham explains how to stone a woman.

Important to make sure you do it correctly.

Follow @MadTParty on Telegram | 𝕏

September 07, 2024

🔥 BREAKING: California Democrat Gloria Romero, who served as the State Senate Majority Leader, has just announced that she's leaving the Democrat party and becoming a Republican and will be voting for Trump this November

September 11, 2024
Banks Battered
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September 11, 2024
Right Again

🇺🇸🤝🏳️‍⚧️🛂 — Trump was right ⁉️ Harris told ACLU in 2019 she supports cuts to ICE funding and providing gender transition surgery to detained migrants, says CNN

➡️ As Kamala Harris pivots to the political center in her campaign for president, a 2019 questionnaire from a leading civil rights organization spotlights her past support for left-wing causes such as taxpayer-funded gender transition surgeries for detained immigrants and federal prisoners.

➡️ In an American Civil Liberties Union questionnaire then-Sen. Harris filled out as a candidate for president in 2020, she also expressed support for decriminalizing federal drug possession for personal use, and for sweeping reductions to Immigration and Custom Enforcement operations, including drastic cuts in ICE funding and an open-ended pledge to “end” immigration detention.

➡️ The questionnaire has received scant media attention and a spokesperson for the ACLU claimed it had remained live from ...

September 11, 2024
5 Things

In fact, here are the 'top 5 lies' that ABC News moderators failed to fact-check via Collin Rugg:

1. Mandatory Firearm Buybacks:

Kamala Harris told Trump to "stop lying" about her wanting to confiscate firearms. Harris has previously stated multiple times that she wants to launch a mandatory buyback program.

The ABC moderators said nothing.

2. "Fine People" Hoax:

Kamala Harris claimed Trump called neo-N*zi's "very fine people." This hoax was debunked by Snopes but the ABC moderators let it slide.

The ABC moderators said nothing.

3. Post-Birth Abortion:

Trump claimed babies were 'klled' outside the womb in failed abortions. Under Tim Walz, babies born alive in botched abortions are allowed to be left to de.

Eight babies who survived abortions in Minnesota were abandoned and sadly perished under Walz.

The ABC moderators simply said Trump was lying and moved on without adding context.

4. Defund the Police:

Kamala Harris laughed when Trump said she wanted to defund the police. During a ...

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