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The UK Is Lost

🇬🇧 Teachers tell schoolboys that 'displaying traditional gendered roles in a family' could lead to them committing RAPE: Almost a third of schools use relationship and sex education classes to tell kids about 'toxic masculinity'

Teachers are telling schoolboys that displaying traditional gendered roles in a family could lead to them committing rape, a bombshell report has claimed.

The report from the Family Education Trust (FET) found that almost a third of schools that it surveyed use relationship and sex education classes to teach pupils about 'toxic masculinity'.

In one schools' teaching materials on the subject, children are told that while masculinity 'in and itself is not necessarily a harmful thing' certain masculine traits can be be seen as 'problematic'.

Another presents a 'pyramid of sexual violence', which suggests that certain minor behaviours such as 'displaying traditional gendered roles' may develop into other examples of 'gender-based violence' such as flashing, groping and even rape.

The FET said that such lessons are teaching pupils about a 'problematic new ideology' that presents the idea that 'boys and men possess traits that are inherently negative for society'.


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