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No Shit Sherlock

BREAKING: FBI whistleblower urges Americans to vote, arm themselves, stock up on 3-4 months' supply of food and water, and pray.

“This is a warning to the American people,” he said. “I have no confidence the FBI will reign in its own conduct.”


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September 25, 2024

BREAKING: Harris-Biden Commerce Secretary Gina Raimondo calls for Trump to be "extinguished for good."


September 24, 2024
Seen This?

Roe V Wade, A Manufactured Lie

‘Jane Roe’ confesses on her deathbed that she was paid to say and play the part.

Don’t get conned; know the truth. Subscribe to

September 24, 2024
Eating The Dead

Dead people are BEING FED to the living through fast-food corporations. This is horrific.

But I thought industrial scale disposal of tortured/ murdered human beings through the food supply chains, was just a crazy conspiracy theory?

No More.
We are AWAKE.


👉 RealSGAnon

Grain Of Salt but WOW!

The Texas-based journalist Lara Logan, with an X account of close to 1 million followers, just posted this

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Real Money
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The Cost

🇺🇸🇨🇳🇮🇱 What will the surge of US forces to the Middle East cost the military?

The day the Middle East almost erupted into a full regional war this summer, Lloyd Austin was touring an Asian shipyard.

Just before the defense secretary visited Subic Bay, Philippines, the former site of a massive U.S. Navy base, Israel killed the political leader of Hamas, who was visiting Iran.

Austin’s July visit was meant to show his focus on Asia, the region America says is its top priority. Instead, he ended the trip distracted by the Middle East, spending hours containing the crisis on a flight back to Washington.

Since Oct. 7, when Hamas’ attack on Israel provoked all-out war in Gaza, the Pentagon has been on call. When the region has approached a wider war, the Defense Department surged forces there to calm it down. But after a year, some in Congress and the Pentagon are growing concerned about how to sustain that pace, and what it will cost the military in the long term.

Call it the U.S. Central ...

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