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Prepping, Politics and Societal Decline!
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“Israel is going to war”, Israel’s Channel 12 says, citing a source.

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September 25, 2024

BREAKING: Harris-Biden Commerce Secretary Gina Raimondo calls for Trump to be "extinguished for good."


September 24, 2024
Seen This?

Roe V Wade, A Manufactured Lie

‘Jane Roe’ confesses on her deathbed that she was paid to say and play the part.

Don’t get conned; know the truth. Subscribe to

September 24, 2024
Eating The Dead

Dead people are BEING FED to the living through fast-food corporations. This is horrific.

But I thought industrial scale disposal of tortured/ murdered human beings through the food supply chains, was just a crazy conspiracy theory?

No More.
We are AWAKE.


👉 RealSGAnon


🚨🚨Additional reminders at this hour.

  • Israel has raised it's status to a maximum alert.

  • US officials & Israeli officials have considered Nasrallah KIA.

  • Iranian Military leadership in security meeting with the Ayotollah.

  • Hezbollah has issued a gag order to it's officials and refused to issue any statement today.

  • US preparing for a direct attack by Iran on Israeli & US interests.

Nasrallah Killed?

A senior security official stated, "Whoever was in the Hezbollah headquarters will not get out alive."
🚨BREAKING - US President Joe Biden informed that Nasrallah was indeed at the site of the strike.

His fate remains unknown but is considered as of now to be killed in the strike
🚨BREAKING - Israeli Embassy around the world have raised a security alert.
🚨BREAKING - The Iranian Embassy in Beirut says the situation has evolved into a dangerous situation and the rules of war has officially changed.
🚨BREAKING - All Israeli reserves including Female soldiers have received a call from their Commanding officers to report to their barracks immediately.
🚨BREAKING - Israeli Maritime Industry raises its alert all throughout the country.

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