📰 Politico magazine has compiled a list of unlikely but possible unexpected events this year with global consequences, compiled by futurologists and forecasters:
🔗 Ostashko News
▪️ The largest cyber attack in history will take down almost all infrastructure in the world
▪️ Mass epidemic in the US and clashes in the country due to changes in state borders
▪️ World market collapse and panic
▪️ Trump, Putin and Xi's Unexpected Geopolitical Alliance on Ukraine
▪️ Possible coup in Belarus (listed as "overthrow of Lukashenko" )
▪️ Secret agreements between the USA, Russia, Iran and Israel on the nuclear issue.
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#OneWorldGovernment #EU
"The EU was just a stepping stone, so to speak, so they could erect their one world government."
Christine Anderson nails it in just over 2.5 minutes.
Operation Paperclip
In the fall of 1944, the U.S. launched a secret mission to secure German weapons, including biological and chemical agents, as well as recruit top Nazi doctors, physicists, and chemists. “Roughly 1,600 of these German scientists (along with their families) were brought to the United States to work on America’s behalf during the Cold War.” President Truman had banned recruiting any Nazi members or active Nazi supporters, but U.S. Government agents “bypassed this directive by eliminating or whitewashing incriminating evidence of possible war crimes from the scientists’ records.”
Operation Mockingbird
The CIA ran Operation Mockingbird, a program to influence the domestic American media, by placing CIA operatives within news organizations and cultivating relationships with prominent journalists. Overseen by CIA Director Dulles, Mockingbird had a major influence in over 25 newspapers and wire agencies, including CBS, Time and Life Magazines, the New York Times, the New ...