Operation Paperclip
In the fall of 1944, the U.S. launched a secret mission to secure German weapons, including biological and chemical agents, as well as recruit top Nazi doctors, physicists, and chemists. “Roughly 1,600 of these German scientists (along with their families) were brought to the United States to work on America’s behalf during the Cold War.” President Truman had banned recruiting any Nazi members or active Nazi supporters, but U.S. Government agents “bypassed this directive by eliminating or whitewashing incriminating evidence of possible war crimes from the scientists’ records.”
Operation Mockingbird
The CIA ran Operation Mockingbird, a program to influence the domestic American media, by placing CIA operatives within news organizations and cultivating relationships with prominent journalists. Overseen by CIA Director Dulles, Mockingbird had a major influence in over 25 newspapers and wire agencies, including CBS, Time and Life Magazines, the New York Times, the New York Herald Tribune, the New York Post, and the Washington Post, and Hollywood film companies. The Church Committee identified over 50 U.S. journalists who were employed directly by the Agency, and claimed many more enjoyed a very close relationship with the CIA, who were “being paid regularly for their services [or provided] occasional gifts and reimbursements from the CIA.” Although Mockingbird officially ended in 1976, in 1996 Congressional testimony, Ted Koppel, ABC News Anchor, said “the Agency has ... broken American laws in the past, and I have no doubt that it will continue....”
Operation Bloodstone (1948-??)
This covert operation sought out Nazis and collaborators living in Soviet-controlled areas to work undercover for U.S. intelligence. “In reality, many of Bloodstone’s recruits had once been Nazi collaborators who were now being brought to the United States for use as intelligence and covert operations experts.” The Bloodstone recruits were not low-level Nazis, but leaders, intelligence specialists, and scholars who had been key to the Nazi cause. “Some of them eventually became U.S. agent spotters for sabotage and assassination missions.” State Department official George F. Kennan testified many years later, “it did not work out at all the way I had conceived it.” Documents about this project were released in April 2021.
Operation Aerodynamic / PdDynamic (1949-91)
The CIA has long been involved in directing events in Ukraine. Project Aerodynamic, renewed as PdDynamic, continued until the collapse of the Soviet Union in 1991. A CIA document declassified in 2007 states: “The purpose of Project AERODYNAMIC is to [support] the Anti-Soviet Ukrainian resistance movement for cold war and hot war purposes.” Going back decades, the CIA has trained Ukrainian intelligence units to try and shore up an independent Kyiv. Then, current “CIA training of Ukrainian special operations forces and other intelligence personnel” in the U.S. and Ukraine has been ongoing since 2015, and a former CIA official said “The United States is training an insurgency ... to kill Russians.”
Operation Ajax (1953)
The CIA planned and supported the coup against Iran’s elected Prime Minister Mohammad Mossadegh. The effort was led by senior officer Kermit Roosevelt Jr., the grandson of U.S. President Theodore Roosevelt. “Over the course of four days in August 1953, Roosevelt would orchestrate not one, but two attempts to destabilize the government of Iran, forever changing the relationship between the country and the U.S.” The U.S. government long denied involvement in the coup, which installed the brutal Shah of Iran Mohammed Reza Pahiavi, but eventually admitted CIA’s role in the coup.
In only a month we will begin to learn whether President Trump’s swearing in will result in a major change in the mission and activities of the CIA.
Bill Gates on RFK Jr: "He wrote a book saying that Tony Fauci and I kill millions of children and make billions of dollars with vaccines."
"People can judge for themselves whether that's correct or not."
If it's incorrect, why haven't Fauci and Gates sued RFK Jr. for defamation? 🤔
NEW - Far-left NGOs reportedly begin to transport masked Antifa thugs in buses to the private homes of allegedly "right-wing citizens" in Germany.
With taxpayers' money from "Demokratie leben" and from the Chancellery, the houses of "proper democrats" in rural Lower Saxony are marked. Militant, masked Antifa activists drive up to the houses that don't have a mark and intimidate the people - in consultation with a tax-funded NGO. It is out of control, writes Julian Reichelt from NiUS.
The @USDA must NOT approve Medgene's H5N1 “protein-based prescription-platform” vaccine for use in cattle. Remember that the USDA standard for cattle vaccines is a “reasonable expectation of efficacy.” In other words, they are completely experimental.